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10 records

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  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Otago Peninsula, Broad Bay

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Otago Peninsula, Glenfalloch

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Otago Peninsula, Glenfalloch

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Dunedin, Otago Peninsula, Macandrew Bay, Colinswood

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Dunedin, Otago Peninsula, Macandrew Bay, Colinswood

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Dunedin, Otago Peninsula, Macandrew Bay, Colinswood

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Dunedin, Otago Peninsula, Macandrew Bay, Colinswood

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Dunedin, Otago Peninsula, Macandrew Bay, Colinswood

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Dunedin, Otago Peninsula, Macandrew Bay, Colinswood

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Otago Peninsula, Broad Bay

Accession number Taxonomic name Type status Country Land district NZ area code Specimen type Standardised Collector Collection date Host
CHR 364097 B Bomarea multiflora (L.f.) Mirb. New Zealand Otago Land District Sheet P. N. Johnson 1981-10-10
CHR 400681 A Bomarea multiflora (L.f.) Mirb. New Zealand Otago Land District Sheet William R. Sykes 1983-02-05
CHR 400681 B Bomarea multiflora (L.f.) Mirb. New Zealand Otago Land District Sheet William R. Sykes 1983-02-05
CHR 511254 A Bomarea multiflora (L.f.) Mirb. New Zealand Otago Land District Sheet P. N. Johnson 1996-05-06
CHR 511254 B Bomarea multiflora (L.f.) Mirb. New Zealand Otago Land District Sheet P. N. Johnson 1996-05-06
CHR 511254 C Bomarea multiflora (L.f.) Mirb. New Zealand Otago Land District Sheet P. N. Johnson 1996-05-06
CHR 511254 D Bomarea multiflora (L.f.) Mirb. New Zealand Otago Land District Sheet P. N. Johnson 1996-05-06
CHR 511254 E Bomarea multiflora (L.f.) Mirb. New Zealand Otago Land District Sheet P. N. Johnson 1996-05-06
CHR 511254 F Bomarea multiflora (L.f.) Mirb. New Zealand Otago Land District Sheet P. N. Johnson 1996-05-06
CHR 364097 A Bomarea multiflora (L.f.) Mirb. New Zealand Otago Land District Sheet P. N. Johnson 1981-10-10