Systematics Collections Data

Search syntax

Search type ExampleComment
Spaces between words or AND (must be upper case)urban parkA space is treated as an AND. These examples both search for urban AND park – a record must contain both words to be a match.
urban AND park
OR search – OR must be upper caseurban OR parkA record has to contain only one of these words to be a match.
Use double quotes to define a phrase search"urban park"A record must contain the exact phrase to be a match.
Negative searchesurban -parkA record must contain urban and must not contain park to be a match.
Wild card search Wild cards can be placed anywhere within your query term.

Note that without a wild card, a word is treated as a full word search. For example, a search for kiwi will return only results where the word kiwi is used but a search for kiwi* will return results for kiwi, kiwifruit and any other word that starts with kiwi.
antro*Find records containing words beginning with antro.
*diellaFind records containing words that end with diella.
antro*iaFind records with words that start with antro and end with ia.
Field searchcollector:JohnstonSpecify the field name followed by a colon and then the search query. It’s important that the correct case be used for the field definition. Fields start with a lower-case letter, contain no spaces and use camel case for multiple words (see collectionMethod example). Any facet can be searched directly in this way.
collectionMethod:"malaise trap"
Context searchcollectionEventContext:sweepingThis searches all of the text within the collection events. Currently collection event is the only context we have set up. Do you find this concept useful? Are there other contexts you would like to see set up?
Complex field and context searchesYou can build complex queries using this syntax.
class:liliopsida AND collectionMonth:JanuaryFind all collections with the class Liliopsida that were collected in January
class:liliopsida AND (collectionMonth:january OR collectionMonth:march)Find all the records with class Liliopsida that were collected in January or March.
Negative field/context searchesclass:liliopsida -collectionMonth:januaryFind everything with a Class of Liliopsida, but not collected in the month of January.
-country:"New Zealand"Find everything without New Zealand specified as a country.
-country:*Find everything that does not have a country specified.
Range searchingcollectionYear:[1950 TO 1959]Find everything from 1950 to 1959.
collectionYear:[* TO 1959]Find everything before and including 1959.
collectionYear:[1950 TO *]Find everything after and including 1950.
-collectionYear:[* TO *]Find everything that doesn’t have a collection year specified.
NB: The range displayed in the facets may be beyond that specified in these examples because some specimens contain multiple collection events.
Proximity search"urban park"~150This returns as a match any record where the words urban and park occur within 150 words of each other

Searchable fields

Field Related data field or description
abundanceAbundance of the collected taxon at the location and time of the collecting event
accessionNumberAccession number
actionedByActioned by
Actioned dateThe date when an event or action occurred
botanicalDistrictGeographic regions
collectionData provider
collectionDateStart date
collectionEventCodeA reference code assigned to the collecting event, or the name of an expedition
collectionEventNoteCollection event note
collectionMethodThe method used to collect this specimen (e.g., trap, pitfall)
collectionMonth The month derived from Start date
collectionYear The year derived from Start date
collectorsNumberCollectors reference number
contributorReferenceNumber For ICMP cultures, the reference number for the culture assigned by the contributor. This is derived from a (Specimen event).
countryGeographic regions
dateAddedDatabase record added
decimalLatitude The decimal latitude (WGS 1984) derived from Georeferences
decimalLongitude The decimal longitude (WGS 1984) derived from Georeferences
ecologicalDistrictGeographic regions
ecologicalRegionGeographic regions
eventDateTextActioned date
eventNoteSpecimen event note
flagNoteSpecimen flags
flagValueSpecimen flags
genusThe genus name associated with any identifications applied to the specimen
hasImagesCalculated field, based on presence of images (values: true, false)
identificationDateDetermination date
identificationNoteIdentification note
keywordKeywords associated with collection events. For example: keyword:Forest*
kindOfSpecimenSpecimen Type
landDistrictGeographic regions
last_modifiedSpecimen last updated
linkSourceLinks. For example, linkSource:NVS*
linkValueLinks. For example, linkValue:"H-163"
loanStatusAn indication of the status of the specimen if it is on loan to another institute. For example, loanStatus:Active. See facet for other values.
localHeightLocal heights
localityVerbatim locality
nzAreaCodeGeographic regions
nzAreaCodeFullGeographic regions
observedSpeciesObserved species
organisationThe name or acronym of the institute to which specimens are on loan. For example, organisation:WELT
otherReferenceNoAssigned reference numbers
otherReferenceNoTypeAssigned reference numbers
preferredNamePreferred name
referenceNumberForActionedBy See Actioned by
specimenNoteSpecimen note
specimenNoteAuthor See Specimen note
specimenNoteType See Specimen note
stateProvinceGeographic regions
storageMethodStorage method (for ICMP Cultures)
subcollectionThe title for a named component within one of the main collections. For example the Allan Herbarium (CHR) has a Spirit (Ethanol) subcollection.
taxonomicNameDetermined name
transactionReferenceNoThe reference number assigned to a loan, gift or exchange
typeOfCollectionEventCollection event type
typeOfEventSpecimen event type
typeOfFlagSpecimen flags
typeOfIdentificationIdentification type
typeStatusType status
verbatimCollectionDateCollection event date
vernacularNameVernacular name
worldGeographicRegionGeographic regions