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NZ origin: main taxon
NZ occurrence: main taxon
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10 records

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  Data provider: PDD   Collection: Cooper    Specimen type: Packet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: CASC Campus, Lincoln   NZ area code: Mid Canterbury    Host: Betula pendula Roth

  Data provider: PDD   Collection: Cooper    Specimen type: Packet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Ashburton Domain   NZ area code: Mid Canterbury

  Data provider: PDD   Collection: Cooper    Specimen type: Packet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Christchurch, North Hagley Park   NZ area code: Mid Canterbury    Host: Ulmus

  Data provider: PDD   Collection: Cooper    Specimen type: Packet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Taieri Mouth, campsite   NZ area code: Dunedin

  Data provider: PDD   Collection: Cooper    Specimen type: Packet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Orton Bradley Park, Diamond Harbour   NZ area code: Mid Canterbury

  Data provider: PDD   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Packet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Wangapeka   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: PDD   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Packet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Stephens Bay   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: PDD   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Packet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Stephens Bay   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: PDD   Collection: Cooper    Specimen type: Packet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Wanaka   NZ area code: Central Otago    Host: Pinus

  Data provider: PDD   Collection: Cooper    Specimen type: Packet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waimate North   NZ area code: Northland

Accession number Taxonomic name Type status Country Land district NZ area code Specimen type Standardised Collector Collection date Host
PDD 80943 Lepista luscina (Fr.) Singer New Zealand Mid Canterbury Packet J. A. Cooper 2005-05-24 Betula pendula Roth
PDD 96649 Lepista luscina (Fr.) Singer New Zealand Mid Canterbury Packet Helen K. Greenep 2012-03-16
PDD 95860 Lepista luscina (Fr.) Singer New Zealand Mid Canterbury Packet J. A. Cooper 2010-05-24 Ulmus
PDD 87536 Lepista luscina (Fr.) Singer New Zealand Dunedin Packet Toni J. Atkinson 2008-05-16
PDD 87006 Lepista luscina (Fr.) Singer New Zealand Mid Canterbury Packet J. A. Cooper 2006-04-10
PDD 88455 Lepista panaeolus (Fr.) P. Karst. New Zealand Nelson Packet Patrick Leonard 2004-05-13
PDD 92402 Lepista panaeolus (Fr.) P. Karst. New Zealand Nelson Packet Patrick Leonard 2007-05-02
PDD 102422 Lepista panaeolus (Fr.) P. Karst. New Zealand Nelson Packet Patrick Leonard 2007-05-02
PDD 113300 Lepista luscina (Fr.) Singer New Zealand Central Otago Packet Noah Siegel 2019-04-28 Pinus
PDD 115088 Lepista luscina (Fr.) Singer New Zealand Northland Packet Wanda M. Daley 2023-06-17