Systematics Collections Data


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NZ origin: main taxon
NZ occurrence: main taxon
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10 records

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  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: Australia   Standard locality: Nattai River, Mittagong

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: Australia   Standard locality: Nattai River, Mittagong

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: Australia   Standard locality: Nattai River, The Crags, c. 7klm NNW of Mittagong

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: Australia   Standard locality: Nattai River, The Crags, c. 7klm NNW of Mittagong

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: Australia   Standard locality: Nattai River, Mittagong

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: Australia   Standard locality: Nattai River, Mittagong

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: Australia   Standard locality: Nattai River, Mittagong

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: Australia   Standard locality: Nattai River, Mittagong

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: Australia   Standard locality: Nattai River, Mittagong

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: Australia   Standard locality: Nattai River, Mittagong

Accession number Taxonomic name Type status Country Land district NZ area code Specimen type Standardised Collector Collection date Host
CHR 539793 Lomandra Labill. Australia New South Wales Sheet Peter B. Heenan; L. Craven 1999-11-03
CHR 539794 Lomandra Labill. Australia New South Wales Sheet Peter B. Heenan; L. Craven 1999-11-03
CHR 539799 Lomandra Labill. Australia New South Wales Sheet Peter B. Heenan; L. Craven 1999-11-03
CHR 539801 Lomandra Labill. Australia New South Wales Sheet Peter B. Heenan; L. Craven 1999-11-03
CHR 539814 Lomandra Labill. Australia New South Wales Sheet Peter B. Heenan; L. Craven 1999-11-03
CHR 539816 Lomandra Labill. Australia New South Wales Sheet Peter B. Heenan; L. Craven 1999-11-03
CHR 539819 Lomandra Labill. Australia New South Wales Sheet Peter B. Heenan; L. Craven 1999-11-03
CHR 539820 Lomandra Labill. Australia New South Wales Sheet Peter B. Heenan; L. Craven 1999-11-03
CHR 539821 Lomandra Labill. Australia New South Wales Sheet Peter B. Heenan; L. Craven 1999-11-03
CHR 539822 Lomandra Labill. Australia New South Wales Sheet Peter B. Heenan; L. Craven 1999-11-03