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12 records

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  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Lincoln, D.S.I.R.

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Seaward Kaikoura Range, Kahutara River, Plot BT115

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Woodend

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Marlborough, Clarence Valley, Molesworth, Bush Gully

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Marlborough, Clarence Valley, Molesworth, Bush Gully

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Marlborough, Molesworth, west of Mount Muntz, hydro road

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Kahutara Saddle, Seaward Kaikoura Range, Marlborough

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: The Kibble, Marlborough

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: South Marlborough, Molesworth Station, Lake McRae

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waimangaroa Ridge, Mt. Fyfe

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Small terrace in the channel of the Kowhai River, upstream from Sandy Creek

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Gentle Annie, Bluff Homestead, Clarence Valley

Accession number Taxonomic name Type status Country Land district NZ area code Specimen type Standardised Collector Collection date Host
CHR 103230 Veronica leiophylla Cheeseman New Zealand Canterbury Land District Sheet 1967-02-10
CHR 694049 Veronica glaucophylla Cockayne New Zealand Marlborough Land District Sheet Danielle Munster 2023-03-07
CHR 520366 Veronica glaucophylla Cockayne New Zealand Canterbury Land District Sheet K. H. Platt 1987-06-25
CHR 107569 Veronica glaucophylla Cockayne New Zealand Marlborough Land District Sheet Moore, LB 1954-11-11
CHR 107570 Veronica glaucophylla Cockayne New Zealand Marlborough Land District Sheet Moore, LB 1954-11-11
CHR 243740 Veronica glaucophylla Cockayne New Zealand Marlborough Land District Sheet J. Stevens 1972-12-06
CHR 470378 Veronica glaucophylla Cockayne New Zealand Marlborough Land District Sheet Shannel P. Courtney 1991-04-04
CHR 537240 Veronica glaucophylla Cockayne New Zealand Marlborough Land District Sheet Shannel P. Courtney; K. Walker; L. Baker 1990-01-30
CHR 552811 Veronica glaucophylla Cockayne New Zealand Marlborough Land District Sheet Cathy Jones 2006-02-01
CHR 569166 Veronica glaucophylla Cockayne New Zealand Marlborough Land District Sheet A. M. Huber 1985-12-23
CHR 572862 Veronica glaucophylla Cockayne New Zealand Marlborough Land District Sheet Peter J. Bellingham 2003-04-10
CHR 142577 Veronica glaucophylla Cockayne New Zealand Marlborough Land District Sheet F. J. F. Fisher 1959-01