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11 records

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  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Packet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: St. Arnaud Range, Rainbow Ski Basin, NE flank of Mt. McRae

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Packet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Cobb Valley Track, about 100m east of bridge over Mytton's Creek

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Packet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Cobb Valley Track, about 100m east of bridge over Mytton's Creek

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Packet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Iron Lake, Iron Hill, Kahurangi National Park

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Packet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Mount Arthur, track from Mount Arthur Hut to Winter Peak

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Packet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Mount Arthur, track on south lip of Horseshoe Basin at junction with route to Ellis Basin Hut

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Packet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Mount Peel, north shore of Lake Peel

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Packet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Mount Peel, north shore of Lake Peel

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Packet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Nelson, Cobb Valley, E flank of Mt. Mytton

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Packet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Nelson, Cobb Valley, E flank of Mt. Mytton

  Data provider: CHR   Collection: Herbarium    Specimen type: Packet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Nelson: St. Arnaud Range, Rainbow Ski Basin

Accession number Taxonomic name Type status Country Land district NZ area code Specimen type Standardised Collector Collection date Host
CHR 460015 Syntrichia robusta (Hook. & Grev.) R.H.Zander New Zealand Nelson Land District Packet Allan J. Fife 1987-11-15
CHR 461019 Syntrichia robusta (Hook. & Grev.) R.H.Zander New Zealand Nelson Land District Packet Allan J. Fife; Bryony H. Macmillan 1988-02-07
CHR 461025 Syntrichia robusta (Hook. & Grev.) R.H.Zander New Zealand Nelson Land District Packet Allan J. Fife; Bryony H. Macmillan 1988-02-07
CHR 461055 Syntrichia robusta (Hook. & Grev.) R.H.Zander New Zealand Nelson Land District Packet Allan J. Fife; Bryony H. Macmillan 1988-02-09
CHR 464667 Syntrichia robusta (Hook. & Grev.) R.H.Zander New Zealand Nelson Land District Packet Allan J. Fife 1988-02-01
CHR 464706 Syntrichia robusta (Hook. & Grev.) R.H.Zander New Zealand Nelson Land District Packet Allan J. Fife 1988-02-02
CHR 475728 Syntrichia robusta (Hook. & Grev.) R.H.Zander New Zealand Nelson Land District Packet Allan J. Fife 1989-02-14
CHR 475757 Syntrichia robusta (Hook. & Grev.) R.H.Zander New Zealand Nelson Land District Packet Allan J. Fife; R. S. Tangney 1989-02-14
CHR 476983 Syntrichia robusta (Hook. & Grev.) R.H.Zander New Zealand Nelson Land District Packet Allan J. Fife 1989-02-21
CHR 476985 Syntrichia robusta (Hook. & Grev.) R.H.Zander New Zealand Nelson Land District Packet Allan J. Fife 1989-02-21
CHR 669378 Syntrichia robusta (Hook. & Grev.) R.H.Zander New Zealand Nelson Land District Packet David Glenny 1987-10-15