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22 records

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Total results: 22

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  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Ethanol 95% Specimen   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Washbourn Scenic Reserve, SH60   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Ethanol 95% Specimen   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Washbourn SR, SH 60   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Ethanol 95% Specimen   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: 20 km S of Murchison   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Ethanol 95% Specimen   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Karamea Bluff, View Hill Sdle   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Ethanol 95% Specimen   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Oparara Basin, Oparara Arches Tk   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Ethanol 95% Specimen   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Oparara Basin, Box canyon/Crazy Paving caves tk and carpark   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Ethanol 95% Specimen   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Riwaka Resurgence, Abel Tasman National Park   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Ethanol 95% Specimen   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Karamea Gorge Route, along Virgin Creek   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Ethanol 95% Specimen   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Oparara Basin, Moria Gate Track   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Ethanol 95% Specimen   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Mt Arthur Range, Flora Hut   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Ethanol 95% Specimen   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Mt Robert Tk   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Ethanol 95% Specimen   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Mt Arthur Trk   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Ethanol 95% Specimen   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Mount Robert   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Ethanol 95% Specimen   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Mt Arthur Trk, ridge above Mt Arthur hut,   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Ethanol 95% Specimen   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Oparara Gorge, Fennian Tk   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Ethanol 95% Specimen   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Anatori River Valley   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Ethanol 95% Specimen   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Owen River, Sunrise Ridge Tk   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Ethanol 95% Specimen   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Asbestos Tk   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Ethanol 95% Specimen   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Lead Hill Gorge   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Ethanol 95% Specimen   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Cobb Valley   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Ethanol 95% Specimen   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Owen River, Sunrise Ridge Tk   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Ethanol 95% Specimen   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Mt Arthur Trk, ridge above Mt Arthur hut   NZ area code: Nelson

Accession number Taxonomic name Type status Country Land district NZ area code Specimen type Standardised Collector Collection date Host
NZAC03018627 Scydmaeninae New Zealand Nelson Ethanol 95% Specimen K. Marske; J. Allwood 2007-12-19
NZAC03019005 Scydmaeninae New Zealand Nelson Ethanol 95% Specimen K. Marske; J. Allwood 2007-12-19
NZAC03019116 Scydmaeninae New Zealand Nelson Ethanol 95% Specimen R. Leschen; T. Buckley; R. Hoare 2008-01-28
NZAC03019128 Scydmaeninae New Zealand Nelson Ethanol 95% Specimen K. Marske; D. Attanayake; J. Allwood 2007-03-02
NZAC03019222 Scydmaeninae New Zealand Nelson Ethanol 95% Specimen K. Marske 2007-02-27
NZAC03019402 Scydmaeninae New Zealand Nelson Ethanol 95% Specimen K. Marske 2007-02-27
NZAC03019415 Scydmaeninae New Zealand Nelson Ethanol 95% Specimen K. Marske; J. Allwood 2007-12-15
NZAC03019680 Scydmaeninae New Zealand Nelson Ethanol 95% Specimen K. Marske 2007-02-28
NZAC03019801 Scydmaeninae New Zealand Nelson Ethanol 95% Specimen K. Marske 2007-03-01
NZAC03020519 Scydmaeninae New Zealand Nelson Ethanol 95% Specimen R. Leschen; L. Dunning; H. Lindsay 2012-01-23
NZAC03021616 Scydmaeninae New Zealand Nelson Ethanol 95% Specimen T. Buckley; R. Leschen; L. Dunning 2010-02-24
NZAC03021618 Scydmaeninae New Zealand Nelson Ethanol 95% Specimen T. Buckley; R. Leschen; L. Dunning 2010-02-28
NZAC03021621 Scydmaeninae New Zealand Nelson Ethanol 95% Specimen T. Buckley; R. Leschen; L. Dunning 2010-02-25
NZAC03021657 Scydmaeninae New Zealand Nelson Ethanol 95% Specimen T. Buckley; R. Leschen; L. Dunning 2010-03-01
NZAC03031837 Scydmaeninae New Zealand Nelson Ethanol 95% Specimen R. Leschen; T. Buckley; R. Hoare 2005-01-26
NZAC03031934 Scydmaeninae New Zealand Nelson Ethanol 95% Specimen T. R. Buckley; R. Leschen; L. Dunning 2010-03-05
NZAC03032108 Scydmaeninae New Zealand Nelson Ethanol 95% Specimen M. Fikacek; R. Leschen 2010-12-01
NZAC03033349 Scydmaeninae New Zealand Nelson Ethanol 95% Specimen R. Leschen; T. Buckley; R. Hoare 2005-01-24
NZAC03033591 Scydmaeninae New Zealand Nelson Ethanol 95% Specimen L. Dunning; L. Shield 2011-02-03
NZAC03033595 Scydmaeninae New Zealand Nelson Ethanol 95% Specimen T. R. Buckley; R. Leschen; L. Dunning 2010-03-06
NZAC03033596 Scydmaeninae New Zealand Nelson Ethanol 95% Specimen M. Fikacek; R. Leschen 2010-12-01
NZAC03037306 Scydmaeninae New Zealand Nelson Ethanol 95% Specimen L. Dunning; L. Shield 2011-02-13