Systematics Collections Data


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NZ origin: main taxon
NZ occurrence: main taxon
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37 records

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Total results: 37

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  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Mount Taranaki, Egmont North Summit track   NZ area code: Taranaki    Host: Pteromalidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Broken River   NZ area code: Mid Canterbury

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Upper Waihopai Valley   NZ area code: Marlborough

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Kaherekoau Mountains, Monowai   NZ area code: Fiordland

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Upper Waihopai Valley   NZ area code: Marlborough

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Crown Range   NZ area code: Central Otago

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Crown Range   NZ area code: Central Otago

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Nelson   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waihopai Power Station   NZ area code: Marlborough

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Upcot Saddle   NZ area code: Marlborough

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Pukekohe

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Pukekohe   NZ area code: Auckland

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Appleby Research Orchard   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Pelorus Bridge   NZ area code: Marlborough

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Appleby Research Orchard   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Hamilton   NZ area code: Waikato

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Mt Sugarloaf   NZ area code: Mid Canterbury

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Mt Sugarloaf   NZ area code: Mid Canterbury

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waimate, Hook Bush   NZ area code: South Canterbury

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Wairoa Gorge, Garden Valley   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Wakefield   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Golden Bay   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Auckland   NZ area code: Auckland

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Auckland   NZ area code: Auckland

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Auckland   NZ area code: Auckland

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Appleby Research Orchard   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Appleby Research Orchard   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Nelson   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Appleby Research Orchard   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Appleby Research Orchard   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Lake Rotoiti   NZ area code: Buller

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Slide   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Richmond   NZ area code: Nelson

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Huia   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Rhadinosomus acuminatus

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Huia   NZ area code: Auckland

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Huia   NZ area code: Auckland

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Huia   NZ area code: Auckland

Accession number Taxonomic name Type status Country Land district NZ area code Specimen type Standardised Collector Collection date Host
NZAC06004948 Ourisia macrophylla New Zealand Taranaki Sheet N. A. Martin 2007-04-09 Pteromalidae
NZAC02010606 Pteromalidae New Zealand Mid Canterbury Slide 1962-10-01
NZAC02010607 Pteromalidae New Zealand Marlborough Slide 1966-01-07
NZAC02010610 Pteromalidae New Zealand Fiordland Slide 1963-01-01
NZAC02010620 Pteromalidae New Zealand Marlborough Slide 1966-01-01
NZAC02010621 Pteromalidae New Zealand Central Otago Slide 1960-06-28
NZAC02010628 Pteromalidae New Zealand Slide H. Gourlay
NZAC02010630 Pteromalidae New Zealand Central Otago Slide 1960-06-28
NZAC02010631 Pteromalidae New Zealand Nelson Slide 1965-02-05
NZAC02010632 Pteromalidae New Zealand Marlborough Slide 1964-10-01
NZAC02010640 Pteromalidae New Zealand Marlborough Slide J. I. Townsend 1965-09-28
NZAC02010641 Pteromalidae New Zealand Slide R. A. Cumber 1957-01-23
NZAC02010642 Pteromalidae New Zealand Auckland Slide R. A. Cumber 1957-01-23
NZAC02010643 Pteromalidae Allotype New Zealand Nelson Slide 1965-12-23
NZAC02010645 Pteromalidae New Zealand Marlborough Slide D. B. Read 1966-03-28
NZAC02010646 Pteromalidae New Zealand Nelson Slide 1963-06-01
NZAC02010648 Pteromalidae New Zealand Waikato Slide 1961-03-03
NZAC02010659 Pteromalidae New Zealand Mid Canterbury Slide White, EG 1963-09-14
NZAC02010660 Pteromalidae New Zealand Mid Canterbury Slide White, EG 1963-09-14
NZAC02010663 Pteromalidae New Zealand South Canterbury Slide R. J. McKenzie
NZAC02010664 Pteromalidae New Zealand Nelson Slide J. I. Townsend 1964-09-24
NZAC02010666 Pteromalidae New Zealand Nelson Slide E. W. Valentine 1964-01-03
NZAC02010667 Pteromalidae New Zealand Nelson Slide J. S. Timlin 1966-05-27
NZAC02010668 Pteromalidae New Zealand Auckland Slide 1966-06-01
NZAC02010669 Pteromalidae New Zealand Auckland Slide 1966-06-01
NZAC02010670 Pteromalidae New Zealand Auckland Slide P. Crowhurst 1966-02-15
NZAC02010672 Pteromalidae New Zealand Nelson Slide 1963-06-01
NZAC02010675 Pteromalidae New Zealand Nelson Slide 1963-06-01
NZAC02010676 Pteromalidae New Zealand Nelson Slide E. S. Gourlay 1927-03-26
NZAC02010677 Pteromalidae New Zealand Nelson Slide 1963-06-01
NZAC02010678 Pteromalidae New Zealand Nelson Slide 1963-04-01
NZAC02010966 Pteromalidae New Zealand Buller Slide A. K. Walker 1966-11-23
NZAC02010969 Pteromalidae New Zealand Nelson Slide 1962-12-01
NZAC04203243 Pteromalidae New Zealand Auckland Pinned B. M. May 1985-09 Rhadinosomus acuminatus
NZAC04203244 Pteromalidae New Zealand Auckland Pinned B. M. May 1985-09
NZAC04203245 Pteromalidae New Zealand Auckland Pinned B. M. May 1985-09
NZAC04203246 Pteromalidae New Zealand Auckland Pinned B. M. May 1985-09