Systematics Collections Data


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NZ origin: main taxon
NZ occurrence: main taxon
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22 records

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Total results: 22

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  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Aldermen Islands, Ruamahuaiti Island   NZ area code: Coromandel

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Aldermen Islands, Ruamahuaiti Island   NZ area code: Coromandel

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Aldermen Islands, Ruamahuaiti Island   NZ area code: Coromandel

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Aldermen Islands, Ruamahuaiti Island   NZ area code: Coromandel

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Mercury Is, Middle Island   NZ area code: Coromandel

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Aldermen Islands, Ruamahuaiti Island   NZ area code: Coromandel

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Mayor Island   NZ area code: Coromandel

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Aldermen Islands, Ruamahuaiti Island   NZ area code: Coromandel

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Aldermen Islands, Ruamahuaiti Island   NZ area code: Coromandel

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Aldermen Islands, Ruamahuaiti Island   NZ area code: Coromandel

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Little Barrier Island   NZ area code: Coromandel

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Mayor Island   NZ area code: Coromandel

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Aldermen Islands, Ruamahuaiti Island   NZ area code: Coromandel

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Aldermen Islands, Ruamahuaiti Island   NZ area code: Coromandel

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Mayor Island   NZ area code: Coromandel

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Mayor Island   NZ area code: Coromandel

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Mercury Is, Double Island   NZ area code: Coromandel

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waiaro Bay   NZ area code: Coromandel

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Aldermen Islands, Ruamahuaiti Island   NZ area code: Coromandel

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Aldermen Islands, Ruamahuaiti Island   NZ area code: Coromandel

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Aldermen Islands, Ruamahuaiti Island   NZ area code: Coromandel

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Aldermen Islands, Ruamahuaiti Island   NZ area code: Coromandel

Accession number Taxonomic name Type status Country Land district NZ area code Specimen type Standardised Collector Collection date Host
NZAC04232930 Dasytes minutus (Fabricius, 1781) New Zealand Coromandel Pinned G. W. Ramsay 1972-11-08
NZAC04232934 Dasytes minutus (Fabricius, 1781) New Zealand Coromandel Pinned G. W. Ramsay 1972-11-08
NZAC04232944 Dasytes minutus (Fabricius, 1781) New Zealand Coromandel Pinned G. W. Ramsay 1972-11-08
NZAC04232947 Dasytes minutus (Fabricius, 1781) New Zealand Coromandel Pinned G. W. Ramsay 1972-11-08
NZAC04232956 Dasytes minutus (Fabricius, 1781) New Zealand Coromandel Pinned I. Southey 1983-10-20
NZAC04233000 Dasytes minutus (Fabricius, 1781) New Zealand Coromandel Pinned G. W. Ramsay 1972-11-08
NZAC04233005 Dasytes minutus (Fabricius, 1781) New Zealand Coromandel Pinned J. C. Watt 1959-11
NZAC04233007 Dasytes minutus (Fabricius, 1781) New Zealand Coromandel Pinned G. W. Ramsay 1972-11-08
NZAC04233010 Dasytes minutus (Fabricius, 1781) New Zealand Coromandel Pinned G. W. Ramsay 1972-11-08
NZAC04233012 Dasytes minutus (Fabricius, 1781) New Zealand Coromandel Pinned G. W. Ramsay 1972-11-08
NZAC04233023 Dasytes minutus (Fabricius, 1781) New Zealand Coromandel Pinned T. K. Crosby; A. K. Walker 1976-02-22
NZAC04233030 Dasytes minutus (Fabricius, 1781) New Zealand Coromandel Pinned J. C. Watt 1959-11
NZAC04233038 Dasytes minutus (Fabricius, 1781) New Zealand Coromandel Pinned G. W. Ramsay 1972-11-08
NZAC04233042 Dasytes minutus (Fabricius, 1781) New Zealand Coromandel Pinned G. W. Ramsay 1972-11-08
NZAC04233044 Dasytes minutus (Fabricius, 1781) New Zealand Coromandel Pinned J. C. Watt 1959-11
NZAC04233045 Dasytes minutus (Fabricius, 1781) New Zealand Coromandel Pinned J. C. Watt 1959-11
NZAC04233109 Dasytes minutus (Fabricius, 1781) New Zealand Coromandel Pinned G. Hall 1987-12-12
NZAC04233135 Dasytes minutus (Fabricius, 1781) New Zealand Coromandel Pinned C. F. Butcher 1981-10-24
NZAC04233216 Dasytes minutus (Fabricius, 1781) New Zealand Coromandel Pinned G. W. Ramsay 1972-11-08
NZAC04233218 Dasytes minutus (Fabricius, 1781) New Zealand Coromandel Pinned G. W. Ramsay 1972-11-08
NZAC04233221 Dasytes minutus (Fabricius, 1781) New Zealand Coromandel Pinned G. W. Ramsay 1972-11-08
NZAC04233222 Dasytes minutus (Fabricius, 1781) New Zealand Coromandel Pinned G. W. Ramsay 1972-11-08