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9 records

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  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Glen Eden, 24 Longfellow Pde   NZ area code: Auckland

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waitakere Ranges, Matuku Reserve   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Chrysomelidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waimauku Kerr-Taylor Reserve   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Chrysomelidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waimauku Kerr-Taylor Reserve   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Chrysomelidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waimauku Kerr-Taylor Reserve   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Chrysomelidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Manurewa, Murphys Bush   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Chrysomelidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waitakere Ranges, Upper Nihotupu Dam Walk   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Chrysomelidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waitakere Ranges, Upper Nihotupu Dam Walk   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Chrysomelidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waitakere Ranges, Titirangi, Zig - Zag track   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Chrysomelidae

Accession number Taxonomic name Type status Country Land district NZ area code Specimen type Standardised Collector Collection date Host
NZAC04239152 Chrysomelidae New Zealand Auckland Pinned R. J. B. Hoare 2018-05
NZAC06003349 Cyathea dealbata New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2000-11-26 Chrysomelidae
NZAC06003365 Cyathea medullaris New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2010-09-29 Chrysomelidae
NZAC06003366 Cyathea medullaris New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2010-09-29 Chrysomelidae
NZAC06003367 Cyathea medullaris New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2010-09-29 Chrysomelidae
NZAC06005110 Metrosideros perforata New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2007-11-25 Chrysomelidae
NZAC06005111 Metrosideros perforata New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2007-11-18 Chrysomelidae
NZAC06005112 Metrosideros perforata New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2007-11-18 Chrysomelidae
NZAC06005212 Streblus heterophyllus New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2007-11-17 Chrysomelidae