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48 records

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  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Banks Peninsula, Hinewai Reserve   NZ area code: Mid Canterbury    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Governors Bush, Hooker Valley   NZ area code: Mackenzie    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waitakere Ranges, Matuku Reserve   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Banks Peninsula, Hinewai Reserve   NZ area code: Mid Canterbury    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waitakere Ranges, Upper Nihotupu Dam Track   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waitakere Ranges, Upper Nihotupu Dam Track   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Banks Peninsula, Hinewai Reserve   NZ area code: Mid Canterbury    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Banks Peninsula, Hinewai Reserve   NZ area code: Mid Canterbury    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Banks Peninsula, Hinewai Reserve   NZ area code: Mid Canterbury    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Banks Peninsula, Hinewai Reserve   NZ area code: Mid Canterbury    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Banks Peninsula, Hinewai Reserve   NZ area code: Mid Canterbury    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Auckland, Mt Albert Research Centre   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Stokes Valley   NZ area code: Wellington    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Governors Bush, Hooker Valley   NZ area code: Mackenzie    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Mount Richmond   NZ area code: Nelson    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Pinned   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waitakere Ranges, Omanawanui Track   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Mt Taranaki Veronica loop walk   NZ area code: Taranaki    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waitakere Ranges, Upper Nihotupu Dam road   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waitakere Ranges, Upper Nihotupu Dam road   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waitakere Ranges, Karamatura track   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waitakere Ranges, Nihotupu Ridge track   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waitakere Ranges Parau track   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waitakere Ranges, Karamatura track   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Wenderholm Regional Park   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waitakere Ranges Opanuku pipeline track   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waitakere Ranges 14 Turanga Road   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Kakamatua beach track   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Napier estuary   NZ area code: Hawkes Bay    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Napier estuary   NZ area code: Hawkes Bay    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waikato Hinuera, nr. Matamata Wilcox & Sons Ltd   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waikato Hinuera, nr. Matamata Wilcox & Sons Ltd   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waikato Te Aroha Mountain track   NZ area code: Waikato    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: South East Auckland, Mount William, Kauri track   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: N. East Okura Walkway   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waitakere Ranges, Matuku Reserve   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waitakere Ranges Fairy Falls track   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waitakere Ranges, Karamatura track   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waitakere Ranges, Karamatura track   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waitakere Ranges Opanuku pipeline track   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waitakere Ranges Opanuku pipeline track   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Te Aroha, Te Aroha Mountain track   NZ area code: Bay of Plenty    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waitakere Ranges, Cutty Grass Track   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: N. East Okura Walkway   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Auckland, Mt Albert, Oakley Creek Walkway   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waitakere Ranges East Tunnel Mouth track   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waitakere Ranges, Arataki Nature trail   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waitakere Ranges, Arataki Nature trail   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

  Data provider: NZAC   Collection: NZAC    Specimen type: Sheet   Country: New Zealand   Standard locality: Waitakere Ranges, Arataki Nature trail   NZ area code: Auckland    Host: Agromyzidae

Accession number Taxonomic name Type status Country Land district NZ area code Specimen type Standardised Collector Collection date Host
NZAC04202088 Opius New Zealand Mid Canterbury Pinned N. A. Martin 2002-07-22 Agromyzidae
NZAC04202102 Opius New Zealand Mackenzie Pinned John S. Dugdale 1977-02 Agromyzidae
NZAC04202110 Opius New Zealand Auckland Pinned N. A. Martin 1999-07 Agromyzidae
NZAC04202496 Opius New Zealand Mid Canterbury Pinned N. A. Martin 2001-01 Agromyzidae
NZAC04202497 Opius New Zealand Auckland Pinned N. A. Martin 2002-09 Agromyzidae
NZAC04202498 Opius New Zealand Auckland Pinned N. A. Martin 2002-09 Agromyzidae
NZAC04202515 Opius New Zealand Mid Canterbury Pinned N. A. Martin 2002-07-22 Agromyzidae
NZAC04202516 Opius New Zealand Mid Canterbury Pinned N. A. Martin 2002-05 Agromyzidae
NZAC04202517 Opius New Zealand Mid Canterbury Pinned N. A. Martin 2001-01 Agromyzidae
NZAC04202527 Opius New Zealand Mid Canterbury Pinned N. A. Martin 2002-05 Agromyzidae
NZAC04202528 Opius New Zealand Mid Canterbury Pinned N. A. Martin 2001-01 Agromyzidae
NZAC04202537 Opius New Zealand Auckland Pinned A. Esler 1974-11-14 Agromyzidae
NZAC04202657 Opius New Zealand Wellington Pinned B. A. Holloway 1966-02 Agromyzidae
NZAC04202669 Opius New Zealand Mackenzie Pinned John S. Dugdale 1977-04 Agromyzidae
NZAC04202682 Opius New Zealand Nelson Pinned John S. Dugdale 1969-03 Agromyzidae
NZAC04202699 Opius New Zealand Auckland Pinned N. A. Martin 2002-09 Agromyzidae
NZAC06003441 Asplenium appendiculatum New Zealand Taranaki Sheet N. A. Martin 2001-01-18 Agromyzidae
NZAC06003444 Asplenium bulbiferum New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2001-04-13 Agromyzidae
NZAC06003445 Asplenium bulbiferum New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2001-04-13 Agromyzidae
NZAC06003446 Asplenium bulbiferum New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2000-11-11 Agromyzidae
NZAC06003448 Asplenium bulbiferum New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2000-02-20 Agromyzidae
NZAC06003450 Asplenium bulbiferum New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2000-02-20 Agromyzidae
NZAC06003457 Asplenium flaccidum New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 1999-09-11 Agromyzidae
NZAC06003468 Asplenium oblongifolium New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2002-10-27 Agromyzidae
NZAC06003471 Asplenium oblongifolium New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2002-08-31 Agromyzidae
NZAC06003476 Asplenium oblongifolium New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2000-12-29 Agromyzidae
NZAC06003483 Asplenium oblongifolium New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 1998-09-12 Agromyzidae
NZAC06004068 Beta vulgaris New Zealand Hawkes Bay Sheet N. A. Martin 2001-11-07 Agromyzidae
NZAC06004069 Beta vulgaris New Zealand Hawkes Bay Sheet N. A. Martin 2001-11-07 Agromyzidae
NZAC06004056 Chenopodium album New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 1999-12-16 Agromyzidae
NZAC06004057 Chenopodium album New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 1999-12-16 Agromyzidae
NZAC06003337 Cyathea dealbata New Zealand Waikato Sheet N. A. Martin 2002-12-01 Agromyzidae
NZAC06003338 Cyathea dealbata New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2002-01-01 Agromyzidae
NZAC06003340 Cyathea dealbata New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2000-12-16 Agromyzidae
NZAC06003344 Cyathea dealbata New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2000-11-26 Agromyzidae
NZAC06003348 Cyathea dealbata New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2000-11-18 Agromyzidae
NZAC06003350 Cyathea dealbata New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2000-01-09 Agromyzidae
NZAC06003351 Cyathea dealbata New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2000-01-09 Agromyzidae
NZAC06003352 Cyathea dealbata New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2000-01-08 Agromyzidae
NZAC06003353 Cyathea dealbata New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2000-01-08 Agromyzidae
NZAC06003376 Cyathea smithii New Zealand Bay of Plenty Sheet N. A. Martin 2004-03-21 Agromyzidae
NZAC06003381 Cyathea smithii New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2000-01-31 Agromyzidae
NZAC06003506 Phymatosorus scandens New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2000-12-16 Agromyzidae
NZAC06004944 Plantago major New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2003-03-21 Agromyzidae
NZAC06004945 Plantago major New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2002-01-05 Agromyzidae
NZAC06003968 Poaceae New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2006-02-11 Agromyzidae
NZAC06003969 Poaceae New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2006-02-11 Agromyzidae
NZAC06003970 Poaceae New Zealand Auckland Sheet N. A. Martin 2006-02-11 Agromyzidae