Latitude and Longitude (WGS84):
-44.368801 168.015695
Verbatim locality:
Martins Bay, Fiordland, South Island
Verbatim collector:
Raymond E. Hatcher no. 744
Standardised collector:
Raymond E. Hatcher
Verbatim date:
27 / 1 / 1955
Start date:
New Zealand
Land District:
Otago Land District
Latitude and Longitude (WGS84):
-44.368801 168.015695
tree bark in dense bush.
Specimen notes
Supplementary remarks:
Hatcher’s #5 locality, Martin’s Bay, Fiordland, South Isl., determined by searching collection records at F (found images of labels for REH 763, 794, 899]; also found as “north of McKerrow River, Martin’s Bay, Fiordland” [on REH 836]
Herbarium history:
Bryophyte Herbarium of R. E. Hatcher; collection received from CANU as mostly unidentified hepatics