Banks Peninsula, Diamond Harbour, Ashley Arnold Reserve
Latitude and Longitude (WGS84):
-43.6236 172.733
Verbatim locality:
Banks Peninsula, Diamond Harbour, Ashley Arnold Reserve
Verbatim collector:
WR Sykes 407/98
Standardised collector:
William R. Sykes
Verbatim date:
Start date:
Land District:
Canterbury Land District
New Zealand
Cultivated on sunny, dry, rocky slope facing west. Arborescent plant with branching trunks 3-4cm diam. and to c.30cm tall. Leaves in strict fans, i.e. distichous, to c.25 x 5cm long, oblong or lingulate, glaucous, ± curving. Scape to c.50cm high, purplish distally. Flowers held ± horizontally, c.4.7cm long. Outer perianth segments orange, elliptic; inner perianth segments slightly > outer, similar shape, pale translucent cream. Stamens ± exserted; anthers green. Style eventually > stamens. Sheets A to B