Latitude and Longitude (WGS84):
-41.802595 172.849049
Verbatim locality:
South Island, St. Arnould, [St Arnaud], Nelson Lakes Nat. Park
Verbatim collector:
J.-P. Frahm No. 26-7
Standardised collector:
J.- P. Frahm
Verbatim date:
8 . 3 . [19]97
Start date:
New Zealand
Land District:
Nelson Land District
from 630m
Nothofagus fusca forest
Observed species:
Nothofagus fusca
Specimen notes
Herbarium history:
Bryo Austral
Diversität, Anpassungs- und Lebenstrategien und Evolution der Bryoflora und -vegetation südhemisphärischer temperater Regenwälder
Project of the Institute of Systematic Botany and Plant Geography, University of Berlin, and the Botanical Institute, University of Bonn, Germany, supported by the German Research Foundation.