New Zealand Map Series 260:
M30 (WGS84 -42.061034 172.516765)
from 1188m
Beside creek.
+ Mnium longirostrum Brid.
Specimen notes
Herbarium history:
The K. W. Allison Collecction No. 8,161.
Supplementary remarks:
[Redmond D?]
Georeference (derived):
Infomap 260: M30
DR [Redmond D]
Supplementary remarks:
Spores 18-20 µ diam. Very finely papillose but not mature.
Synoicous. Leaf cells 80-90 × 30-40 µ, clear.
Nerve percurrent, below apex or very shortly excurrent.
cilia not appendiculate.
[Allison KW]
Supplementary remarks:
I do not know this species of Bryum. It is not Bryum mucronatum Mitt. Cilia well developed, 4, nodose. Spores c. 21 µm. Exostome ornamentation unusual. Capsules narrowly cylindric, c. 6 mm, with well-defined neck. Gametophytes very like Bryum mucronatum Mitt., but I have not determined sexuality.
Allan Fife, November 1998