Systematics Collections Data

CHR 352760 – Cratoneuropsis relaxa (Hook.f. & Wilson) M.Fleisch.

Data provider:
Allan Herbarium
CHR 352760
Type status:
Specimen type:
Database record added:
11 January 1996
Database record updated:
24 February 2023
Primary component
Active identification
Determined name:
Hypnobartlettia fontana Ochyra gen. & sp. nov.
R. Ochyra
Identification date:
Preferred name:
Cratoneuropsis relaxa (Hook.f. & Wilson) M.Fleisch.
Identification type:
Other identifications
Determined name:
Cratoneuropsis relaxa (Hook.f. & Wilson) Broth.
Allan Fife
Identification date:
2006-10 (Verbatim: October 2006)
Preferred name:
Cratoneuropsis relaxa (Hook.f. & Wilson) M.Fleisch.
Identification type:
In my opinion this is an extreme environmental form of Cratoneuropsis relaxa.
Collection events
Primary collection event
Collection event type:
Standard locality
South Island, Waikoropupu Limestone Springs Reserve
Latitude and Longitude (WGS84):  -40.85  172.8 
Verbatim locality:
South Island, N.W. Nelson District, Waikaropupu [Waikoropupu] Limestone Springs Reserve
Verbatim collector:
J.K. Bartlett 26045
Standardised collector:
John K. Bartlett
Verbatim date:
Start date:
Land District:
Nelson Land District
Ecological District:
New Zealand
Native lands:
Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō
Ngāti Kōata
Ngāti Kuia
Ngāti Rārua
Ngāti Tama ki Te Tau Ihu
Ngāti Toa Rangatira
Te Atiawa o Te Waka-a-Māui
New Zealand Map Series 1:   S8 199 818  (WGS84 -40.848119 172.800243)
New Zealand Map Series 260:   N26 931 398  (WGS84 -40.848142 172.79976)
Latitude and Longitude (WGS84):  40°51´ S 172°48´ E  (WGS84 -40.85 172.8)
from 20m
floating in tufts in calcareous spring
Hypnobartlettiaceae Ochyra fam. nov.
Specimen notes
Georeference (derived):
NZMS 260: N26 931398
Ford KA
Supplementary remarks:
Based on a brief examination of this material, I would consider it to be referrable to the Amblystegiaceae. I am impressed by the largely bistratose (not entirely bistratose, as claimed by Ochyra) nature of the lamina. Partially bestratose lamina occurin [occur in] the Amblystegiaceae, i. e. in Amblystegium s. l. & Donrichardsia. I believe this material is allied to Amblystegium noterophilum - with which it has a similar costal anatomy. It seems to differ from that species by the greater portion of the lamina which is bistratose and the longer leaf cells. I am inclined to refer this material to Amblystegium s. l. and would wish to make careful comparison to A. noterophilum before deciding whether or not it is a valid species.
Allan Fife, 6 June 1985
Isotype of Hypnobartlettia fontana Ochyra, Lindbergia 11: 3 (1985)
Supplementary remarks:
“floating in tufts in calcareous spring” paraphyllia: present, sparse, filiform leaf shape: ovate-lanceolate mid leaf lamina thickness: predominantly bistratose; scattered unistratose strips mid leaf margin thickness: bistratose lower leaf lamina thickness: entirely bistratose stem leaf reflexion: nil costa width (about ¼ above base): c. 120 µm, ill-defined The status of Hypnobartlettia fontana Ochyra has been controversal since its 1985 description; Ochyra (1985) at that time also proposed a monotypic & endemic family, Hypnobartlettiaceae to accomodate it. While the family Hypnobartlettiaceae has not been recognised by more recent N.Z. workers (Beever, 1992; Fife, 1995), the specific and generic status of the genus has been controversial, with Beever (1992, p. 140) casting doubt on its distinction at the species level and suggesting that it might be environmental form of Cratoneuropsis relaxa. Fife (1995) recognised Hypnobartlettia fontana as an distinct and endemic genus/species of Amblystegiaceae; Stech et al. (1999) investigated chloroplast intron DNA sequences and likewise proposed maintainence of the genus as distinct. Representative Cratoneuropsis relaxa does not occur in the main pool of Waikoropupu Springs, but does occur abundantly in adjacent Fish Creek. Ochyra (1985) empahsizes the significance of the bistratose lamina and the presence of filamentous paraphyllia in describing H. fontana. Examination of a suites of collections of (1) purported H. fontana from the “Main Pool” of Waikoropupu Springs, (2) representative Cratoneuropsis relaxa from adjacent Fish Creek (part of the Waikoropupu Springs complex), and (3) Cratoneuropsis relaxa from throughout N.Z. leads to the conclusion that H. fontana is an extreme environmental modification of Cratoneuropsis relaxa. The degree of bistratose laminal development in populations from within the “Main Spring” pool of Waikoropupu Springs varies markedly. Some material (CHR 528802) has stem leaves predominantly or entirely unistratose at mid leaf, some material (Michaelis 49= herb. K.W. Allison 9754) equally unistratose & bistratose; and some material (CHR 105042A) entirely bistratose. Isotype material (CHR 352760) has mid laminal cells predominantly bistratose and with only scattered unistratose strips and bistratose mid leaf margins. The lower lamina in this collection may be entirely bistratose or have considerable unistratose areas (cf. Ochyra, 1985, fig. 2 b). In all examined collections of purported “H. fontana” the lamina at the leaf apex are ± entirely bistratose.
Allan Fiefe, Occtober 2006
Herbarium history:
Ex herb. Instituti Botanici Academiae scientiarum Polonae - Cracoviae Bryophyta
Project permits
CHR Collection - Local Contexts
Biocultural (BC) Notice