KX022034 - genomic DNA
KX022065 - 28S ribosomal RNA
NG_242436 - 28S ribosomal RNA
NR_191053 - 28S ribosomal RNA, 5.8S ribosomal RNA, internal transcribed spacer 1, internal transcribed spacer 2
Wu, Fang; Tohtirjap, Ablat; Fan, Long-Fei; Zhou, Li-Wei; Alvarenga, Renato L. M.; Gibertoni, Tatiana B.; Dai, Yu-Cheng (2021)Global Diversity and Updated Phylogeny of Auricularia (Auriculariales, Basidiomycota).Journal of Fungi7(11)933-. DOI: 10.3390/jof7110933
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