Public Note:
Fruitbodies up to 12 x 0.5 cm, simple clubs, scattered, gregarious or cespitose in groups of up to 30 individuals, narrowly fusiform to subcylindrical, arising from discrete or common whitish mycelial patches. Club slate-grey to deep slate-grey ("Quakerdrab","deep purplish grey", "purplish grey", "neutral grey", "deep neutral grey"), opaque, with mat texture, often longitudinally wrinkled or dimpled, equal; flesh concolourous outward, inward whitish and stuffed; apex rounded. Stipe equal, hardly distinct from hymenium, deep grey-brown ("benzo-brown" upward, "drab" downward). Taste faintly sweet; odour none, or tardily and weakly of garlic. On soil and humus under kauri (Agathis australis). Macrochemical reaction: FCL = negative. Tramal hyphae significantly inflated, adherent, thin-walled, clampless, hyaline; secondary septa rare; gloeoplerous hyphae occasional, uninflated, refringent under phase contrast. Subhymenium well developed, pseudoparenchymatous. Hymenium thickening, adherent; basidia clavate, clamped, contents granular when young, multiguttulate when mature; sterigmata 4, stout curved, somewhat divergent. Spores 8.3-11.2 x 6.8-8.3 urn (E = 1.19-1.50; Em = 1.32; LM = 9.83 jo.m), broadly ellipsoid, flattened slightly adaxially, smooth, thin-walled; contents uniguttulate when mature; hilar appendix thick, prominent, papillate.COMMENTARY: This is a slate-grey version of Clavaria albo-globospora, with which it was growing. Fruit bodies are striking when once seen but the dark colour obscures them in the field.
Collections 1) North Island: Waipoua at base of Big Kauri Tree,, coll. RHP & Ann Hawthorne, no. 42264
(holotype, PDD46656; isotype, TENN); 2) Waipoua, across river from Forestry Headquarters,, coll. GS, no. 42419 (TENN). No subsequent collections. The grey holocorynes are C. ardosiaca, musculospinosa, muscula (no PDD colls) and plumbeo-argillacea. Given that appearance of spines and color is variable other characters must be emphasised and spore size variability investigated. No trama clamps. Spores length=10.8-13.9µm (µ=12.1, σ=0.94), width=7.0-9.5µm (µ=8.2, σ=0.71), Q=1.3-1.7µm (µ=1.49, σ=0.13), n=20, very variable. Some spores have sub-hilar protrusions and other spines. As usual the basidial basal looped clamps are hard to discern. The spiny spores suggest this needs critical comparison with C. musculo-spinosa. C. ardosiacac to 12cm long, C. musculospinosa to 6cm (and much smaller frbs in packet).
J.A. Cooper, Nov. 2017