AY574809 - atp6
AY574666 - 25S large subunit ribosomal RNA
AY574739 - 12S small subunit ribosomal RNA
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Segedin, Barbara P. (1984)Two new species ofGomphusPers. (Aphyllophorales) from New Zealand.New Zealand Journal of Botany22(4)533-537. DOI: 10.1080/0028825X.1984.10425286
Peng, Zijia; Wu, Yiming; Luo, Zeyu; Xiong, Chaowei; Liu, Xiaoyong; Wang, Bin; Ma, Baoyou; Wei, Jianxian; Yu, Zhongdong (2023)Luteodorsum huanglongense (Gomphaceae, Gomphales), a New Genus and Species of Gomphoid Fungus from the Loess Plateau, Northwest China.Journal of Fungi9(6)664-. DOI: 10.3390/jof9060664
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