Public Note:
[McNabb:] Holotype #136 (group 33), = 75(pdd26606),137,138,147,169,190,94 (pdd26934), 39(pdd26647-group 13), 71(pdd26537-group13, 110(pdd265569)-group25, 111(pdd26570-group25), 225, 251, 241, 240, 230, 236. [JAC: It's clear that some of these assignments were not McNabb (Egon?)]. Solitary to scattered under Nothofagus menziesii, Nelson, Karamea, Umere, 8.1.68, Coll. R.F.R.McNabb. Purplish cap. Gills white to very pale cream. Pinkish-purple stipe. Cuticle of pileus composed of thin or slightly thick-walled, septate hyaline hairs, to 75(-125)um long, 2.5-4um diam., arising from inflated hyphae in turn arising from sphaerocysts layer. Pilocystidia absent. Hairs smooth, simple, oblique or erect, not forming a palisade, tapering apically, terminal cells unspecialised. Cuticle of stipe of parallel interwoven hyaline septate hyphae, aggregated in places 2.5-4um terminal cells projecting obliquely, unspecialised. Caulocystidia absent. Hymenophoral trama intermixed. Basidia hyaline, broadly clavate, 4-spored, stergimata to 7.5um long, 31-42 x 10.5-12um. Pleurocystidia numerous, scattered, projecting to 60um beyond basidia, thick-walled, smooth, hyaline walls to 1.5(-2)um thick, +- broadly fusiform with acuminate or strangulated and capitulate apices, contents refractive in KOH, 60-110 x 11.2-18um. Cheilocystidia crowded on gill edge, +- filamentous hyaline, thin-walled, to 4.5um diam., often septate. As well as rather short pleurocystidia, most thick-walled, and same general shape as on gill faces. Spores broadly elliptical to ovate, obliquely apiculate, apiculus to 1.5um long. 9-11.2 x 7.5-9um. Ornamentation of dense amyloid flat-topped pegs to 1.5(-2)um high, numerous, isolated, joined in groups of 2-3, or joined by heavy amyloid lines and forming an incomplete reticulum. Plage of shorter verrucae present. Spores 9.1 - 10.5 x 7.7-9.4um, ornamentation to 1.5-(1.8)um high. Plage present, rather conspicuous. Spores amyloid or partially inamyloid. [Ridley:] Basidiospores 8.25-8.5(-9.25) x 6.25-6.5(-8) um, [9-11 x 7.5-9.5um], Qm 1.29, broadly ellipsoid, Q (1.15)1.26--1.36, broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid, hyaline, ornamented with crowded, amyloid, truncate spines 1.25-1.75um high, usually single or in confluent groups of two or three, isolated or joined by fine, amyloid ridges forming a partial reticulum. Suprahilar plage distinct, weakly amyloid, flaking, c. 2 um. Hilar appendix: obconical, oblique, 1.25-1.75 um long. (fig. 27c), The plage was conspicuous as it was surrounded and defined by truncate spines. Basidiospore ornamentation was type IIIB. [Cooper:] Macroscopically the dried material looks identical to R. pilocystidiata. Without lamellulae, with basal interveining. Gill edge pink at perimeter of cap. Subcutis of cap is grey/violet. Stem has furfuraceous violet covering. DCY SV+-ve, this has very distinct dark 'granules' which whan strongly squashed are small cystidial elements (16um x 5um) staining pale violet, also exuding magenta pigment into mount. Note that SV reaction is patchy and easily missed. Cap has sphaerocystst in the terminal layer - which I've not noted in any previous types. All macrocystidia appear to be thick-walled but the contrast lessens as the cystidium becomes bigger and so not easy to see. McNabb says no spore print obtained, but there is one in the packet and the colour is quite dark, D, however it is labelled #31 and that is the holotype of R. subvinosa, so I am ignoring it. Spores with clearly delineated plage and grey/violet spot. Spores length=7.7–9.8µm (µ=8.3, σ=0.4), width=5.8–7.2µm (µ=6.5, σ=0.3), Q=1.2–1.4µm (µ=1.28, σ=0.06), n=20, ornamentation to 1.5um. Spines with a few very low connectives.