Public Note:
[McNabb:] Holotype = #152 (as roseola in Book3, p 1) . Pileus 3-3.5cm, slightly centrally depressed, smooth, no veilar remnants, finely innately pruinose under lens, margins not radially marked, pallid pinkish rose with area of white patches. Gills white, moderately crowded. Lamellae simple, lamellulae rarely present, to 4mm deep, not discoloured. Stipe 3-3.5cm long, solid, pure white, dry, 7-10mm diam., slightly expanded basally, flesh white. Context unchanging. Taste gills and context - extremely acrid. Chemical characters formalin n.r., phenol n.r., FeSO4 salmon pink, guiacol on stipe base pinkish red, KOH on pileus orange tints replacing pink, KOH on context n.r., NH4OH on pileus and context n.r. Habitat under Nothofagus menziesii, Nelson, Karamea, Umere, 8.1.1969, Coll. R.F.R. McNabb, Painting 152 (JAC Missing - where are these paintings?). Pileus cuticle a +- trichodermium of hyphae and pilocystidia with highly refractive content. Hyphae hyaline, thin-walled, septate, c2.5-3.5um diam. without refractive contents in KOH, terminal cells not specialised. 40-100 x 6-10um. Pilocystidia extremely numerous +- clavate, contents refractive in KOH, hyaline, thin-walled. Cuticle of stipe a rather disorganised palisade of hyphae and caulocystidia similar i size and shape to those of the pileus. Basidia hyaline, clavate 4-spored 39-52 x 12-15um. Pleurocystidia numerous, scattered, conspicuous, hyaline, thin-walled, with yellowish crystals in KOH, fusiform with acuminate or slightly strangulate apices 56-83 x 10.5-13.5um, not or only slightly projecting beyond basidia. Cheilocsytidia same as pleurocystidia in shape etc, but shorter, crowded on gill edge. Spores broadly elliptical to ovate, obliquely apiculate, apiculus to 1.5um long, -(2), 9.8-12 x 9-10.5um. Ornamentation of coarse xxx amyloid spines to 1.5(-2) um high, solitary or confluent groups of 2-3, almost always joined by fine amyloid ridges to form an almost complete reticulum. Ornamentation lower in plage area. Note: microscopically this species is close to R. pilocystidiata. Plage present, rather inconspicuous. [Ridley:] Basidiospores (8-)9-95 x 7-8.5 um, [10-12 x 9-10.5um] Qm = 1.15, broadly ellipsoid, Q=1.08-123, subglobose to broadly ellipsoid, hyaline. Ornamented with moderately crowded partially amyloid to amyloid, truncate spines to 1.75um high, mostly single or in small confluent groups, joined by low, moderately fine to coarse, amyloid ridges occasionally isolated, forming an almost complete reticulum. Suprahilar plage difficult to observe, smooth to slightly flaking, weakly amyloid or occasionally amyloid, c. 2 um wide. Hilar appendix obconical, oblique, to 2 um long. (Fig. 28c). As noted the plage was difficult to see and its amyloid reaction varied from just perceptibly grey, to pale blue black. The ornamentation approached IIIA. [Cooper:] No spore print. Subcutis white. SV weakly positive, broad, septate. McNabb's illustration of the cutis is good, but missing the longer septate cystidia, and it is unusual in having a mass of very refractive elements. Fuchsinophile granules not seen. Spores with poorly defined plage and weakly amyloid irregular spot. Spores length=8.2–10.4µm (µ=9.0, σ=0.6), width=7.1–8.6µm (µ=7.8, σ=0.4), Q=1.1–1.3µm (µ=1.16, σ=0.06), n=20, ornamentation to 1.4um