Luo, Zong-Long; Hyde, Kevin D.; Liu, Jian-Kui (Jack); Maharachchikumbura, Sajeewa S. N.; Jeewon, Rajesh; Bao, Dan-Feng; Bhat, Darbhe Jayarama; Lin, Chuan-Gen; Li, Wen-Li; Yang, Jing; Liu, Ning-Guo; Lu, Yong-Zhong; Jayawardena, Ruvishika S.; Li, Jun-Fu; Su, Hong-Yan (2019)Freshwater Sordariomycetes.Fungal Diversity99(1)451-660. DOI: 10.1007/s13225-019-00438-1
Hughes, S. J. (1978)New Zealand Fungi 25. Miscellaneous species.New Zealand Journal of Botany16(3)311-370. DOI: 10.1080/0028825X.1978.10425143
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