Public Note:
[McNabb:] #92 (holotype) same as 82=93, also in the packet indicated as 18 & 55. Fructs typical of the species, gills discoloured dull brown often when quite young, Gills 2-4 mm deep. SPORE PRINT: Crawshay B-(C) when fresh. CONTEXT OF PILEUS: white, firm, unchanging, rather granular. TASTE: Context not distinctive. Gills definitely acrid and bitter. CHEMICAL REACTIONS: Formalin on context, n.r. Phenol - slowly deep red, vinaceous. FeS04 - immediately pallid salmon pink. Guaiacol on stipe base - immed. pink, becoming pinkish-red. KOH on pileus - immediately darkening on brown parts of pileus, n.r. on white KOH on context - n.r. NH4OH oh pileus and context - n . r. HABITAT: gregarious under leptospermum scoparium, Lake Rotoaira, Papakai, 3.5.1967, Coll R.F.R. McNabb. PHOTO FOR PUB. Cuticle of pileus 150-200um thick, composed of thin-walled, interwoven, +- repent or obliquely ascending hyphae 2.5-5um diam. septate. Pilocystidia present, relatively sparse, contents refractive in KOH, 3.5-5um diam., of variable lengths, apices rounded or acuminate. Terminal cells unspecialised. Hymenophoral trama heteromerous or capitulate. Spores broadly elliptical, obliquely apiculate, apiculus to 1.5um long, 6.5-8 x 6-7 um. Ornamentation of verrucae or crests to 0.7um high, isolated or joined by fine amyloid ridges to forma a very incomplete reticulum occasionally joined by moderately coarse ridges. Plage indistinct. Basidia hyaline, subclavate to narrowly clavate, 4-spored sterigmata to 10um long, 46-63 x 7-9.5um. Pleurocystidia rather sparse scattered not projecting beyond basidia +- fusiform or subclavate apices bluntly acuminate, occasionally strangulated, or capitulate, thin-walled, contents refractive in KOH 56-70 x 6-8.5um. [Ridley:] Basidiospores 6.5-8.5(-9.25) x 6-6.5(-7.25)um, [6.5-8 x 5.5-7um], Qm 1.18, broadly ellipsoid. Q 1.08-1.30, subglobose to broadly ellipsoid, hyaline. Ornamented with sparse to moderately crowded, fine to coarse, irregular, amyloid verrucae, to 0.75um high, mostly isolated, but occasionally joined by fine, low, amyloid ridges. Suprahiiar plage indistinct, inamyloid, slightly roughened, c. 2um wide. Hilar appendix obconical, oblique, 1.25-2um long. (Fig.24b). The basidiospores exhibit type IV ornamentation with verrucae connected by fine ridges, but not forming a reticulum. The sparse nature of the ornamentation makes it difficult to observe the plage under the light microscope as it was not clearly defined. In SEM it was more obvious, primarily due to its position rather than any distinctive feature. [Cooper:] Gills dried orange, not sign of discoloration which appears in fresh material. Cap a disorganised cutis, terminal elements not visibly distinguished. Plage not visible, amyloid spot sometimes visible and then clearly delimited and small. Spores length=6.0–7.1µm (µ=6.4, σ=0.2), width=4.6–5.8µm (µ=4.9, σ=0.3), Q=1.2–1.4µm (µ=1.3, σ=0.1), n=20 from spore print. Ornamentation to 0.9um high, connectives very rare. Noted that attached spores are larger than those on spore print. Spores smaller than either Ridley or McNabb (Once again scope calibration checked, and analysis sheet, and found to be ok). Gills with occasional lamellulae (reaching 1/4) not not in a series. DCY SV+, although they appear to be localised and missed the first time I looked. Cap pilocystidia clearly visible in KOH, with refractive content, to 150 x 6um and neither rare nor common.