Public Note:
[McNabb:] 83, 47 (holotype PDD26937), 58 (PDD26945), 83 (PDD26598), 82 (PDD26539), 109 (pdd26568).PILEUS: infundibuliform, convex when young, 4-7 cm diam., no indications of velar remnants, dry to slightly viscid, finely matte and felted under lens, pure white when emerging, later turning brownish on exposure (c 6B4-C4 but paler). Margins entire, not radially marked. GILLS: crowded, rather thin, pure white at first, becoming pallid creamy white not discoloured, to 6 mm deep, lamellae simple or very occasionally forked close to stipe, not forked near margins, lamellulae present, often in some semblance of order. STIPE: short, stout, equal, 1.5-2.5 cm long, 1-1.7 cm diam., solid, annulus absent, velar remnants absent, dry white, finely matte to felted under lens, faintly innately stretched-reticulate, Flesh white, firm, unchanging, rather granular. CONTEXT OF PILEUS: white, firm, unchanging, rather granular. SMELL: mot noted. TASTE: gills bitter, context slightly bitter. SPORE PRINT: poor but white when fresh. CHEMICAL REACTIONS: Formalin on context - n.r. Phenol - slowly deep red, vinaceous. FeSO4 on context - slowly faint salmon pink. Guaiacol on stipe base - slowly faint pink, darkening with time to salmon-pinkish red. KOH on pileus - slight darkening NH40H on pileus and context - n.r. HABITAT; gregarious under Leptospermum scoparium 30/4/67, Coll. R.F.R. McNabb. National Park, Lake Rotoaira. Cuticle of +- repent interwoven thin-walled septate hyphae 2um diam. terminal cells inconspicuous, pilocystidia 150-200um, thick sparse +- cylindrical. Caulocystidia present. Hymenophoral trama intermixed, oleiferous hyphae present in mediostratum. Spores broadly elliptical, obliquely apiculate, apiculus to 1.5-(2) um long, 8.4 - 10.5 x 7-9.8um. ornamentation of moderately dense amyloid, truncated spines, to 1.7(-2)um high, isolated in confluent groups 2-3, or joined by fine amyloid ridges and forming an incomplete reticulum; plage indistinct. Basidia hyaline +- clavate 4-spored, sterigmata to 8.5um long, 52-83 x 11-14um. Pleurocystidia numerous projecting 10 to 20um beyond basidia, apices bluntly acuminate, occasionally mucronate or capitulate, +- subclavate, thin-walled, contents refractive in KOH 63-115 x 8-11.5um. Cheilocystidia present, similar to pleurocystidia but shorter. [Ridley:] Basidiospores 7.25-8.25 x 6.5-7.25 um, [8.5-11.5 x 8-10.5 um] Qm 1.13, subglobose, Q= 1.03-1.23, globose to broadly ellipsoid, hyaline. Ornamented with moderately crowded, partially inamyloid to amyloid, verrucae and crests, to 1.75 um high, occasionally isolated or joined into confluent groups by moderately low, fine to moderately coarse, amyloid ridges, to form a partial reticulum. Suprahilar plage indistinct inamyloid, very slightly roughened. Hilar appendix obconical, oblique, 1.2-1.75 um long. (Fig. 24c). The plage is ill-defined having a number of small verrucae or ridges which blend in with the general ornamentation. The latter was type IIB in which an incomplete reticulum was formed. [Cooper:] Note dry gills are orange, more orange than australis. Cap edge is inrolled, non pectinate and fruitbody is involute. Spores with a weak amyloid spot. Spores (excluding ornamentation) length=8.2–9.4µm (µ=8.9, σ=0.4), width=6.7–8.0µm (µ=7.4, σ=0.3), Q=1.1–1.3µm (µ=1.2, σ=0.1), n=16. Ornamentation to 1.5um. Cap SV very weakly SV+ve (NB current description says it has them), pilocystidia infrequent and difficult to see (yellowish refractive content in SV), thinner than gill macrocystidia, to 130um x 5um, with refractive content. Note that McNabb's key splits allochroa into the group with a hot taste, but the description does not say this. It says the gills taste bitter. And does the epithet indicate the change in colour of the gills on drying? Perhaps these are things lost between McNabb's notes and Joan/Egon's (?) completion of the published manuscript. Ridley's thesis and notes: spores distinguished by having no amyloid spot and complete reticulum. We have larger spores than Ridley and find a weak amyloid spot. Ornamentation agrees with SEM. Both McNabb's type description and the type indicate lamellulae numerous and obvious. Cap hyphae without bosseles- see JAC10732.