Public Note:
[McNabb:] 68 (holotype, but note that in McNabb's diaries he selected #69 from say locality, same day. ), 33, 69, 286 (PDD29433) (= possibly cremeoochracea), Holotype.PILEUS : 4.5-8.5 cm diam., convex and centrally depressed, becoming infundibuliform, slightly viscid and sticky in wet weather, no indications of velar remnants, pruinose to subvelutinate under lens, dark red-black in centre (c 12E4) but remainder definite greenish-brown to yellowish-brown (c 4E3) to c 3D4. (i.e. same colours as in some parts of no. 69). Margins entire, not radially marked. GILLS: white to pallid creamy-white, moderately crowded, mod. thick, not discoloured at maturity, to 7 mm deep, lamellae simple or very occasionally forked close to stipe, not forked at margins, lamellulae absent. STIPE 2.5-3.5 cm long, tapering slightly basally, 1-1.6 cm diam., no indications of velar remnants, annulus absent, dry, finely pruinose-granular under lens, solid, greyish-red, (c 12B3-4 and 10B3-4). Flesh white, firm, unchanging . CONTEXT OF PILEUS: white, firm, unchanging. SMELL: not noted. TASTE: gills and context not distinctive . SPORE PRINT: poor but Crawshay C-D when fresh. CHEMICAL REACTIONS: Formalin on context - no reaction Phenol on context - slowly deep red-vinaceous FeS04 on context - rabidly salmon pink. Guaiacol on stipe base - rapidly salmon pink becoming deep pink, then deep pinkish-red. KOH on pileus - yellowish-brown KOH on context - no reaction NH40H on pileus and context - no reactions. HABITAT; gregarious under Leptospermum ericoides, Auckland, Titirangi, Bishop: Reserve, 13/4/67, Coll. R.F.R. McNabb. NOTE; this collection appears to be an aberrant colour form of no. 33 (the only paratype). perhaps a dry weather or sheltered habitat form. Cuticle composed of erect, hyaline thin-walled, hair-like hyphae, tapering apically, aseptate or occasionally 1-septate, without coloured contents in KOH, to 100um long, 4.5-7um diam., arising from short-celled, non-inflated or slightly inflated hyphae. Pilocystidia absent. NB exactly same as #69. Spores broadly elliptical, obliquely apiculate, apiculus to 1.5um long, 7.7-9.1 x 6.7-8.4um. Ornamentation of amyloid or partially inamyloid, ridges and crests to 0.7um high, moderatly sparse, forming an almost complete reticulum, plage not seen. Basidia clavate 4-spored, sterigmata short, to 4.5um long, 39-52 x 9.1-11.9um. Pleurocystidia numerous, scattered, projecting to 50um beyond basidia, thin-walled, fusiform with acuminate apices, contents sparse, 77-122 x 8.4-14um. Cheilocystidia very numerous, crowded on gill edge, similar to pleurocystidia, but shorter, projecting. [Ridley:]Basidiospores 7-8(-9.25) x 7-8(-8.5) um, [7.5-9 x 6.5-8.5 um] Qm 1.05, subglobose, Q 1-1.14, globose to subglobose, hyaline. Ornamented with moderately crowded, amyloid, acute verrucae and crests to 1(-1.25) um high, joined by amyloid ridges of almost equal height, to form an almost complete reticulum, a few isolated, low verrucae present. Suprahilar plage distinct very slightly roughened, inamyloid, c. 2.5-3.25 um wide. Hilar appendix obconical, oblique, to 1.25 um long. (Fig. 29b). The original description notes the absence of a plage, however the plage was distinct in both the light microscope and SEM. Basidiospore ornamentation was type IIIA and IIIB. [Cooper:] dried material has a look of 'mavorea/umerensis' & JAC11404. SV-ve. Spores length=6.2–8.1µm (µ=7.1, σ=0.4), width=5.8–7.6µm (µ=6.7, σ=0.5), Q=1.0–1.2µm (µ=1.1, σ=0.1), n=20. Plage distinct, no amyloid spot. Cap cuticle appears to be an ixocutis with hairs. No sign of pilocystidia in a squash. Ridley has 7-8(9.25) x 7-8(-8.5), Q=1.05 and also notes presence of plage. Both McNabb's notes and the type indicate lamellulae are absent. Scale is missing from photo.