Public Note:
[RFRM] Pileus 7-11.5cm diam., convex at first, becoming plae with slightly reflexed margins, when young margin inrolled and sterile for up to 5mm, when mature margin still inrolled and sterile for up to 3mm, dry, matte, yellow to tan yellow 4B4-C4 to 4B5-C5. Pores pallid yelow at first becoming rather bright golden yellow, c 3A7, pores concolorous with tubes or in places spotted and discoloured red-brown, tubes short, to 7mm long, adnate to slightly decurrent, pores irregularly angular, 1-(1.5) mm. diam., not discolouring on bruising. Stipe solid, short, 4-5cm long, more or less even, 2.5-3.5cm diam. dry, glabrous to faintly and very finely velutinate, bright yellow all over ( 3a6-7) with reticulations at very apex from the descending incomplete tubes. Flesh pallid whitish yellow to yellow. Context pallid whitish yellow to yellow (rather bright), not changing colour on exposure to air, thick. Smell not distinctive. Taste not pleasant, slightly acrid to ppery. Chemical reactions KOH on pileus not distinctive, on context instant red. NH4 reaction on both [?]. Habitat solitary or in groups of 2 under L. scoparium, Auckland ... [JAC] Note that this does not say greyish-yellow. The description is based on 3 collections from the same locality. spores length=10.6–14.2µm (µ=11.6, σ=0.86), width=5.0–6.5µm (µ=5.5, σ=0.46), Q=1.7–2.4µm (µ=2.11, σ=0.19), n=22. The distinction between this and B. rawlingsii is clear on spore size alone, if consistent.
J.A. Cooper, Nov. 2017