MK382476 - 16S ribosomal RNA
Trinick, M. J.; Rhodes, R. L.; Galbraith, J. H. (1983)Competition between fast- and slow-growing tropical legume rhizobia for nodulation ofVigna unguiculata.Plant and Soil73(1)105-115. DOI: 10.1007/BF02197760
KENNEDY, C.; DREYFUS, B.; BROCKWELL, J. (1981)Transfer, Maintenance and Expression of P Plasmids in Strains of Cowpea Rhizobia.Microbiology125(2)233-240. DOI: 10.1099/00221287-125-2-233
Boland, MJ; Fordyce, HM; Greenwood, RM (1978)Enzymes of Nitrogen Metabolism in Legume Nodules: a Comparative Study.Functional Plant Biology5(5)553-. DOI: 10.1071/PP9780553
Note: as CB756
(). DOI: 10.25919/hrv2-5228
Note: CB strain catalogue
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