AF137504 - 16S ribosomal RNA
NR_117497 - 16S ribosomal RNA
NR_041756 - 16S ribosomal RNA
GU339087 - 16S ribosomal RNA
GU339094 - genomic DNA
GU385479 - gyrB
MT758036 - 16S ribosomal RNA
MT759991 - 16S ribosomal RNA
Hu, ; Young, (1998)Biocidal activity in plant pathogenic Acidovorax, Burkholderia, Herbaspirillum, Ralstonia and Xanthomonas spp.Journal of Applied Microbiology84(2)263-271. DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2672.1998.00340.x
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