GU227975 - act
GU227877 - 18S ribosomal RNA, 28S ribosomal RNA, 5.8S ribosomal RNA, internal transcribed spacer 1, internal transcribed spacer 2
EF683602 - genomic DNA
Liu, Fangling; Tang, Guiting; Zheng, Xiaojuan; Li, Ying; Sun, Xiaofang; Qi, Xiaobo; Zhou, You; Xu, Jing; Chen, Huabao; Chang, Xiaoli; Zhang, Sirong; Gong, Guoshu (2016)Molecular and phenotypic characterization of Colletotrichum species associated with anthracnose disease in peppers from Sichuan Province, China.Scientific Reports6(1). DOI: 10.1038/srep32761
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