Latitude and Longitude (WGS84):
-27.5 153 (WGS84 -27.5 153.)
Verbatim locality:
Queensland, Brisbane
Verbatim collector:
J.H. Simmonds
Standardised collector:
J. H. Simmonds
Collectors reference no.:
JHS 16633C
Verbatim date:
Start date:
Specimen notes
Public Note:
Originally the two dried Simmonds cultures were in the same PDD packet as PDD 28797. When this was designated the epitype specimen of Colletotrichum queenslandicum J.H. Simmonds 16347A2 was split into a new PDD specimen as PDD 111073. Thus J.H. Simmonds 11663C = PDD 28797 = ICMP 1778 ; J.H. Simmonds 16347A2 = PDD 111073 = ICMP 1780.
B.S. Weir, 2018