LJRJ00000000 - genomic DNA
PRJNA292453 - Pseudomonas Genome sequencing and assembly
KU161331 - dnaX
Schiff, S.; Tani, C.; Cimmino, A.; Mandalà, G.; Cinelli, T.; Evidente, A.; Fiori, M.; Surico, G.; Marchi, G. (2019)The colonization processes of Myrtus communis by strains of Pseudomonas savastanoi with a differential ability to produce phytohormones.Plant Pathology68(6)1109-1119. DOI: 10.1111/ppa.13021
DANKEVYCH, L. (2018)THE SYNTHESIS OF PLANT GROWTH STIMULATORS BY PHYTOPATHOGENIC BACTERIA AS FACTOR OF PATHOGENICITY.Applied Ecology and Environmental Research16(2)1581-1593. DOI: 10.15666/aeer/1602_15811593
Visnovsky, Sandra B.; Panda, Preeti; Everett, Kerry R.; Lu, Ashley; Butler, Ruth C.; Taylor, Robert K.; Pitman, Andrew R. (2020)A PCR diagnostic assay for rapid detection of plant pathogenic pseudomonads.Plant Pathology69(7)1311-1330. DOI: 10.1111/ppa.13204
Turco, Silvia; Drais, Mounira Inas; Rossini, Luca; Chaboteaux, Elena; Rahi, Yaseen Jundi; Balestra, Giorgio Mariano; Iacobellis, Nicola Sante; Mazzaglia, Angelo (2022)Complete genome assembly of the levan‐positive strain PVFi1 of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi isolated from olive knots in Central Italy.Environmental Microbiology Reports14(2)274-285. DOI: 10.1111/1758-2229.13048
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