NZ_LKEG00000000 - genomic DNA
PRJNA224116 - Refseq Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Project
AB021401 - 16S ribosomal RNA
RBPW00000000 - genomic DNA
PRJNA292453 - Pseudomonas Genome sequencing and assembly
PRJNA296744 - Pseudomonas marginalis strain:ICMP 3553 Genome sequencing and assembly
LKEG00000000 - genomic DNA
NR_117821 - 16S ribosomal RNA
HM190225 - 16S ribosomal RNA
AJ308309 - 16S rRNA
AJ316156 - recA
PRJNA958348 - Pseudomonas marginalis ICMP 3553_1 genome sequencing
PRJNA709549 - Pseudomonas marginalis ICMP 3553_2 genome sequencing
PRJNA709550 - Pseudomonas marginalis ICMP 3553_3 genome sequencing
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Visnovsky, Sandra B.; Panda, Preeti; Everett, Kerry R.; Lu, Ashley; Butler, Ruth C.; Taylor, Robert K.; Pitman, Andrew R. (2020)A PCR diagnostic assay for rapid detection of plant pathogenic pseudomonads.Plant Pathology69(7)1311-1330. DOI: 10.1111/ppa.13204
Wasendorf, Chloe; Schultz, Dylan L.; Schmitz-Esser, Stephan; Peters, Nick T. (2022)Genome Sequences of Soft Rot-Causing Pseudomonas Isolates from Spinach.Microbiology Resource Announcements11(9). DOI: 10.1128/mra.00701-22
Sawada, Hiroyuki; Fujikawa, Takashi; Satou, Mamoru (2023)Dismantling and reorganizing Pseudomonas marginalis sensu lato.Plant Pathology72(4)654-666. DOI: 10.1111/ppa.13690
Marroni, M. Virginia; Casonato, Seona; Visnovsky, Sandra B.; Pitman, Andrew R.; Beresford, Robert M.; Jones, E. Eirian (2023)Genetic characterization and prevalence of Pseudomonas syringae strains from sweet cherry orchards in New Zealand.Plant Pathology. DOI: 10.1111/ppa.13775
Jayaraman, Jay; Jones, William T.; Harvey, Dawn; Hemara, Lauren M.; McCann, Honour C.; Yoon, Minsoo; Warring, Suzanne L.; Fineran, Peter C.; Mesarich, Carl H.; Templeton, Matthew D. (2020)Variation at the common polysaccharide antigen locus drives lipopolysaccharide diversity within the Pseudomonas syringae species complex.Environmental Microbiology22(12)5356-5372. DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.15250
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