AM410796 - ppk
AM410822 - recA
AM410874 - rpoB
AM410848 - gyrB
AM410694 - 16S rRNA
MT498631 - dnaA
MT661641 - rpoB
MT661649 - dnaK
MT661697 - gyrB
MT682232 - polyphosphate kinase
MT682261 - recA
MT682269 - atpD
Sasaki, J.; Chijimatsu, M.; Suzuki, K.-i. (1998)Taxonomic significance of 2,4-diaminobutyric acid isomers in the cell wall peptidoglycan of actinomycetes and reclassification of Clavibacter toxicus as Rathayibacter toxicus comb. nov.International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology48(2)403-410. DOI: 10.1099/00207713-48-2-403
Tian, Qian; Chuan, Jiacheng; Sun, Xianchao; Zhou, Aiguo; Wang, Li; Zou, Jixing; Zhao, Wenjun; Li, Xiang (2021)Description of Clavibacter zhangzhiyongii sp. nov., a phytopathogenic actinobacterium isolated from barley seeds, causing leaf brown spot and decline. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 71(5). DOI: 10.1099/ijsem.0.004786
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